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All Performance Audits

Report # Follow-Up Date
23-116 Arizona Commerce Authority—Sunset Review (September 2023)
23-115 Arizona Department of Child Safety—Sunset Review (September 2023)
23-114 Examining the Delivery of Services to Vulnerable Adults in the Arizona Adult Protective Services System (September 2023)
23-113 Arizona Department of Child Safety—Licensed Foster Care Provider Oversight (September 2023)
23-112 Arizona Foster Care Review Board—Sunset Review (September 2023)
23-111 Arizona State Board for Charter Schools—Sunset Review (September 2023)
23-110 Arizona Department of Transportation—Sunset Review (September 2023)
23-109 Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (System)—Sunset Review (September 2023)
23-108 Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management—Sunset Review (September 2023)
23-107 Arizona Department of Administration—Sunset Review (September 2023)
23-106 Arizona Department of Transportation—Motor Vehicle Division’s (MVD) Oversight of Commercial Driver License (CDL) Examination Third Parties (August 2023)
23-105 Arizona Department of Transportation—Motor Vehicle Division's (MVD) Oversight of Third Parties (August 2023)
23-104 Arizona Department of Administration—Arizona Strategic Enterprise Technology Office (ASET) IT Project Oversight (July 2023)
23-103 Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry—Annual Compliance Review of Specific Statutory and Policy Requirements (July 2023)
23-102 Arizona Department of Child Safety—Information Provided to Local Foster Care Review Boards and State Ombudsman (July 2023)
23-101 Attorney General’s Office Anti-racketeering Revolving Fund—Biennial Review (January 2023)
Report # Follow-Up Date
21-123 Arizona Game and Fish Commission Heritage Fund (December 2021)
21-122 Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections—Sunset Review (October 2021)
21-121 Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections—Youth Treatment Programming Evaluation (October 2021)
21-120 Arizona Department of Public Safety—Sunset Review (September 2021)
21-119 Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry—Sunset Review (September 2021)
21-118 Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry—Review of Specific Self-Improvement or Treatment Programs (September 2021)
21-117 Arizona Department of Environmental Quality—Sunset Review (September 2021)
21-116 Arizona Department of Environmental Quality—Water Quality Protection Responsibilities (September 2021)
21-115 Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona—Sunset Review (September 2021)
21-114 Arizona Office of Tourism—Sunset Review (September 2021)
21-113 Arizona Department of Child Safety—Comparing Department Practices for Classifying and Locating Children Missing from Care to Best Practices (September 2021)
21-112 Arizona School Facilities Board—Sunset Review (September 2021)
21-111 Arizona State Board of Nursing—Sunset Review (September 2021)
21-110 Arizona Department of Public Safety—Central Repository of Criminal History Records (September 2021)
21-109 Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services and the Arizona Veterans’ Service Advisory Commission—Sunset Review (August 2021)
21-108 Arizona State Board of Barbers—Sunset Review (August 2021)
21-107 Maricopa Association of Governments Regional Transportation Plan (July 2021)
21-106 Pinal County Transportation Excise Tax (June 2021)
21-105 Arizona Board of Regents—Sunset Review (June 2021)
21-104 Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections—Use of Temporary Stabilization Units (June 2021)
21-103 Arizona Board of Regents—University-Affiliated Organizations (June 2021)
21-102 Arizona Department of Real Estate—Sunset Review (April 2021)
21-101 Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services—State Veterans’ Homes (April 2021)
Report # Follow-Up Date
19-115 Arizona Board of Regents—Commercial Real Estate—ABOR lacks comprehensive property information and guidance to implement real estate policies, and operation of some ABOR property lacked oversight and accountability (October 2019)
19-114 Arizona Board of Fingerprinting—Board granted or denied most good-cause and central registry exceptions we reviewed in accordance with statute and rule but should ensure it collects all required application materials (October 2019)
19-113 Arizona Department of Child Safety—Foster Home Recruitment, Licensure, Use, and Retention—Department engages in recommended recruitment practices but foster parent feedback indicates a need for improved customer service and more information about children (September 2019)
19-112 Arizona Department of Health Services—Department failed to investigate or timely investigate some long-term care facility complaints, did not comply with some conflict-of-interest requirements, and has some gaps in 4 IT security areas (September 2019)
19-111 Arizona Department of Health Services—Arizona State Hospital—State Hospital has not fully evaluated assault-reduction strategies but has established processes for patient admission, ensuring patients receive prescribed treatment, and reporting incidents (September 2019)
19-110 Arizona Department of Insurance—Department’s process to prioritize fraud referrals for investigation lacks important components and practices for managing conflicts of interest increase risk of nondisclosure (September 2019)
19-109 Arizona Department of Health Services—Procurement and Contract Monitoring—Department did not follow some procurement requirements and paid for some services without ensuring they were provided and contract requirements were met (August 2019)
19-108 Gila County Transportation Excise Tax—County, city, and most towns used excise tax monies for highway and street purposes, but Miami did not always use excise tax monies appropriately (June 2019)
19-107 Arizona Department of Health Services—Medical Marijuana Program—Department did not timely, consistently, or adequately perform several medical marijuana regulatory activities and misallocated some Medical Marijuana Fund monies (June 2019)
19-106 Arizona Department of Revenue—Sunset Factors—Department did not comply with all conflict-of-interest requirements, ensure it collected and reported all State income taxes, and plan for eventual replacement of its main IT system (June 2019)
19-105 Arizona School Facilities Board—Building Renewal Grant Fund—Board can better ensure timely project completion and payments to districts, Board member compliance with conflict-of-interest laws, and district compliance with State procurement requirements (June 2019)
19-104 Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners—Board should seek statutory authority to require criminal background checks for licensure, improve timeliness of complaint and claim handling, and review appropriateness of its licensing fees (April 2019)
19-103 Arizona Department of Revenue—Transaction Privilege Tax Support and Education Services—Department should improve call centers’ quality assurance processes and internal collaboration on taxpayer education and outreach efforts (March 2019)
19-102 Arizona Department of Revenue—Transaction Privilege Tax Administration and Enforcement—Department should improve its TPT licensure, filing, distribution, and enforcement processes (March 2019)
19-101 Arizona Department of Water Resources—Department is behind schedule in adopting groundwater management plans for the State’s active management areas and should enhance processes for collecting or issuing some required reports (January 2019)
Report # Follow-Up Date
18-107 Arizona Psychiatric Security Review Board—Board should ensure it receives needed information to inform its decision making, improve its issuance of hearing notices and orders, and develop rules, policies, and procedures to help meet key responsibilities (December 2018)
18-106 Arizona Board of Athletic Training—Board should ensure applicants meet lawful presence and continuing-education requirements, and improve the information on its website and the licensee information staff provide over the phone (October 2018)
18-105 Arizona Department of Gaming—Department assesses compliance with Tribal-State Gaming Compact, but should enhance its gaming facility employee recertification and horse racing licensure processes (August 2018)
18-104 Arizona’s Universities—Information Technology Security—Universities have implemented several information technology (IT) security practices and can further improve IT security, policies, procedures, and practices (June 2018)
18-103 Arizona Department of Child Safety—Arizona Families F.I.R.S.T.—Department’s contracted substance abuse program incorporates best practices in its design, and Department has implemented controls to oversee contractors’ compliance with program requirements (March 2018)
18-102 Arizona’s Universities—Student Success—Universities have established goals and designed strategies to improve student retention and graduation rates, and can enhance these efforts by consistently evaluating strategies and improving strategic plans (March 2018)
18-101 Arizona's Universities—Fee-Setting Processes—ABOR and the universities have established some fee-setting processes consistent with best practices but should further enhance their processes (January 2018)
Report # Follow-Up Date
17-113 Arizona Commission for Postsecondary Education—Commission should further strengthen Arizona Family College Savings Program (529 program) oversight and better protect its confidential and sensitive electronic data (December 2017)
17-112 Central Arizona Water Conservation District—District collects and spends revenues in accordance with legal requirements and/or policies, has established various financial reserves, and operates the Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District (December 2017)
17-111 Arizona Department of Child Safety—Staff Retention, Recruitment, and Training—Department should continue its efforts to improve staff retention, recruit and hire best fit job applicants, and strengthen staff training (September 2017)
17-110 Arizona Department of Economic Security—Sunset Factors (September 2017)
17-109 Arizona Department of Economic Security—Division of Developmental Disabilities (September 2017)
17-108 Arizona School Facilities Board—Board should improve its school district facility renovation and repair project eligibility assessment, award, and oversight practices, and its information technology database management (September 2017)
17-107 Arizona Medical Board—Board issued licenses to qualified applicants and appropriately resolved complaints, but should ensure renewal applicants comply with continuing medical education requirements and continue to improve complaint resolution timeliness (August 2017)
17-106 Arizona Foster Care Tuition Waiver Pilot Programs—Programs have helped recipients attend college, but the Programs’ data management and implementation need improvement (June 2017)
17-105 Arizona Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Courts—Adult Probation (June 2017)
17-CR1 Pima Association of Governments—Regional Transportation Authority Plan (April 2017)
17-104 Arizona Department of Economic Security—Information Technology Security—Department should improve security processes and controls over its information technology systems and data, and establish an information security program (April 2017)
17-103 Arizona Department of Economic Security—Child Care Services—Department should improve its child care provider monitoring and complaint-handling processes and examine consolidating child care regulation under one agency (February 2017)
17-102 Arizona Department of Child Safety—Administrative Staffing Level—Department’s administrative staffing level appears reasonable compared to other agencies reviewed, and it has implemented a reasonable process for estimating administrative staffing needs (January 2017)
17-101 Arizona Department of Economic Security—Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program—Department should enhance its processes for managing rehabilitation service costs and clients’ progress (January 2017)
Report # Follow-Up Date
16-111 Arizona Power Authority—Authority’s process for allocating Hoover Dam power allowed for public input and was consistent with legal requirements, but it should formally approve power pooling arrangements and improve some administrative practices (December 2016)
16-CR1 Maricopa Association of Governments Regional Transportation Plan (November 2016)
16-110 Arizona Department of Child Safety—Permanency Practices—Department should improve its provision of information to the juvenile courts and Foster Care Review Board and implement its plans to further improve other permanency practices and outcomes (September 2016)
16-109 State of Arizona Acupuncture Board of Examiners—Board should improve its processes for issuing licenses and certificates, revise its complaint resolution process, and improve its provision of public information (September 2016)
16-108 Arizona Early Childhood Development and Health Board (First Things First) (August 2016)
16-107 Arizona Department of Education—Department Oversees Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program Spending, but Should Strengthen its Oversight and Continue to Improve Other Aspects of Program Administration (June 2016)
16-106 Pinal County Transportation Excise Tax—County and Most Cities and Towns Used Excise Tax Monies Appropriately and Were Able to Demonstrate Its Impact, but Two Towns Need Improvement (June 2016)
16-105 Arizona Criminal Justice Commission—Commission Has Established Effective Grant-Awarding and Monitoring Processes, but Should Better Use Its Research Center (June 2016)
16-104 Arizona Board of Osteopathic Examiners in Medicine and Surgery—Board Appropriately Issued Licenses and Permits, Resolved Complaints, and Provided Public Information, but Should Continue to Improve Complaint Resolution Timeliness (June 2016)
16-103 Arizona State Board of Respiratory Care Examiners—Board Appropriately Issued Licenses and Resolved Complaints but Should Continue to Address Continuing-Education Noncompliance and Improve Complaint Resolution Timeliness and Provision of Public Information (June 2016)
16-102 Arizona Department of Child Safety—Department Should Adopt Common Implementation Practices from Other Jurisdictions As It Moves Forward with Implementing a New Differential Response System (March 2016)
16-101 Arizona Department of Education—Department Should Improve K-3 Reading Program Administration and Oversight to Help Ensure Consistent Implementation of the Program (March 2016)
Report # Follow-Up Date
15-121 Alternatives to Traditional Defined Benefit Plans (October 2015)
15-120 A Comparison of Arizona’s Two State Retirement Systems (October 2015)
15-119 Arizona Department of Environmental Quality—Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program—Department Reduced Some Program Fees, but Can Improve Fee-Setting Process, Continue to Improve Contract Monitoring, and Use Effectiveness Study to Make Program Improvements (October 2015)
15-118 Arizona Department of Child Safety—Department Assesses Child Safety and Risk Using Common Factors or Accepted Approaches, but Needs to Improve Critical Aspects of Its Child Safety and Risk Assessment Process (September 2015)
15-117 Arizona Department of Revenue—Sunset Factors (September 2015)
15-116 Arizona Department of Revenue—Department Should Improve Its Information Technology Security, Continue Developing Its Information Security Program, and Enhance the Physical Security of Taxpayer Information (September 2015)
15-115 Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency, Arizona Radiation Regulatory Hearing Board, and Medical Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners (September 2015)
15-114 Arizona Department of Transportation—Sunset Factors (September 2015)
15-113 Arizona Department of Transportation—Projected Transportation Revenues Fall Short of Estimated Needs and the Arizona Legislature Should Consider a Task Force to Study Options for Addressing Transportation Revenue Needs (September 2015)
15-112 Arizona Commerce Authority—Authority Can More Clearly Report Its Economic Development Impact and Enhance Its Processes for Awarding and Monitoring Grants (September 2015)
15-CR3 Independent Operational Review of the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (the System) Investment Strategies, Alternative Asset Investment Procedures, and Fees Paid to External Investment Managers (September 2015)
15-111 Public Safety Personnel Retirement System—The System’s Three Retirement Plans’ Funded Statuses Have Declined and Additional Actions Are Needed to Improve Their Long-term Sustainability (September 2015)
15-110 Arizona Foster Care Review Board—Enhanced Board Member Recruitment, Timely Submission of All Case Review Reports, Increased Caseworker Participation at Reviews, and Reporting on Child Welfare System Recommendations and Program Metrics Needed (September 2015)
15-109 Arizona Department of Administration—Sunset Factors (September 2015)
15-108 Arizona Department of Administration—Department Should Complete Personnel Reform Implementation and Strengthen Workforce Planning State-wide (September 2015)
15-107 Arizona Sports and Tourism Authority—Insufficient Tourism Revenues May Affect the Authority’s Ability to Fully Fund Statutorily Designated Priorities, and the Authority Should Improve Its Facility Management Agreement and Capital Improvement Practices (September 2015)
15-CR2 Independent Operational Review of the Arizona State Retirement System’s Investment Strategies, Alternative Asset Investment Procedures, and Fees Paid to External Investment Managers (August 2015)
15-106 Arizona State Retirement System—The ASRS Defined Benefit Plan Is Not Fully Funded, but Steps Have Been Taken to Improve Its Long-term Sustainability and Some Additional Actions Can Further Strengthen Its Financial Condition (August 2015)
15-CR1SUPP Supplemental Report to the Independent Review—Arizona's Child Safety System and the Arizona Department of Child Safety (July 2015)
15-CR1 Independent Review—Arizona’s Child Safety System and the Arizona Department of Child Safety (June 2015)
15-105 Arizona Department of Revenue-Department is Hindered by Ineffective Information Technology (IT) Leadership Processes and Should Prepare for the Planned Replacement of Its Primary IT System (April 2015)
15-104 Arizona Department of Transportation—Motor Vehicle Division—Division Should Improve Field Office Customer Service, Better Regulate the Ignition Interlock Program, and Continue to Enhance its Oversight of Third-Party Offices (April 2015)
15-103 Arizona Medical Board—Board Has Improved Its Processes, but Should Conduct a Risk-Based Review of Previously-Issued Licenses (April 2015)
15-102 Arizona Department of Administration—Department Should Strengthen Its Management, Support, and Oversight of the State-wide Procurement System (March 2015)
15-101 Arizona Department of Child Safety—Compared to National Averages, Arizona’s Number of Child Abuse or Neglect Reports Has Been Similar or Higher and Its Substantiation Rate Lower, and the Office of Child Welfare Investigations Is Unique Among States (March 2015)
Report # Follow-Up Date
13-15 Arizona Game and Fish Commission, Department, and Director (December 2013)
13-14 Review of Selected State Practices for Information Technology Procurement (November 2013)
CPS-1301 Arizona Department of Economic Security - Children Support Services - Foster Home Recruitment-Related Services Contracts (October 2013)
13-13 Arizona Historical Society (September 2013)
13-12 Arizona State Board for Charter Schools (September 2013, Report No. 13-12) (September 2013)
13-11 Arizona State Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers (September 2013)
13-10 Department of Environmental Quality - Sunset Factors (September 2013)
13-09 Arizona State Board of Cosmetology (September 2013)
13-08 Water Infrastructure Finance Authority (September 2013)
13-07 Arizona State Board of Pharmacy (September 2013)
13-06 Department of Environmental Quality - Underground Storage Tanks Financial Responsibility (September 2013)
13-05 Arizona Department of Financial Institutions (August 2013)
13-04 Registrar of Contractors (July 2013, Report No. 13-04) (July 2013)
13-03 Arizona State Board of Physical Therapy (May 2013)
13-02 Arizona Board of Appraisal (April 2013)
13-01 Department of Environmental Quality - Compliance Management (March 2013)
Report # Follow-Up Date
11-14 Arizona Game and Fish Commission Heritage Fund (December 2011)
11-CR1 Maricopa County Regional Transportation Plan (December 2011)
11-13 Department of Fire, Building and Life Safety (September 2011)
11-12 Arizona Board of Regents - Sunset Factors (September 2011)
11-11 Arizona Board of Regents - Tuition Setting for Arizona Universities (September 2011)
11-10 Arizona Department of Veterans' Services and the Arizona Veterans' Service Advisory Commission - Sunset Factors (September 2011)
11-09 Arizona Department of Veterans' Services - Veterans' Donations and Military Family Relief Funds (September 2011)
11-08 Department of Corrections - Sunset Factors (September 2011)
11-07 Department of Corrections - Oversight of Security Operations (September 2011)
11-06 Arizona Department of Veterans' Services - Veteran Home (July 2011)
11-05 Pinal County Transportation Excise Tax (June 2011)
11-04 Arizona Medical Board (June 2011)
11-02 Arizona State Board of Nursing (June 2011)
11-03 Arizona Department of Veterans' Services - Fiduciary Program (June 2011)
CPS-1101 Department of Economic Security - Division of Children, Youth and Families - Child Protective Services - Contractor Payments (March 2011)
11-01 Department of Public Safety - Followup on Specific Recommendations from Previous Audits and Sunset Factors (March 2011)
Report # Follow-Up Date
10-09 Arizona Sports and Tourism Authority (December 2010)
10-L1 Office of Pest Management - Regulation (October 2010)
10-08 Department of Corrections - Prison Population Growth (October 2010)
10-07 Arizona Department of Agriculture - Sunset Factors (September 2010)