Search Webinars
This is the second in a 2-part series on completing ELRs and provides detailed information about the reporting requirements for Part II (Broadcast 5/22/12; total time 1 hour). Use the link...
This video reviews the district and charter school calculation form for special education revenue and spending that will be incorporated into the school-level reporting requirements beginning in the fiscal year...
This Webinar covers ways for districts to ensure they maintain adequate oversight of school-level Auxiliary Operations. It is geared toward business managers and district level staff. (broadcast 4/9/13; total time...
This webinar is the third in a series on IT internal controls which was presented live for Arizona school districts, but the IT topics covered apply to all government entities...
This is the first in a 2-part series on completing ELRs and provides detailed information about the reporting requirements for the Reconciliation and Part I (Broadcast 4/26/12; total time 43...
This video reviews the district and charter school calculation form for special education revenue and spending that will be incorporated into the school-level reporting requirements beginning in the fiscal year...
This webinar has been removed. See the Arizona Department of Revenue’s website for up-to-date guidance on public school tax credits, including examples of activities and programs that are and are...
This webinar is the second in a series on IT internal controls which was presented live for Arizona school districts, but the IT topics covered apply to all government entities...
This webinar addresses the purpose and requirements of Expenditure Limitation Reports (ELRs) that are required to be submitted to our Office by all counties, cities, towns, and community college districts...
This webinar discusses Joint Technical Education District (JTED) cost reporting guidance for JTEDs and JTED member districts. We cover what costs need to be reported for central and satellite programs and how to...
This webinar covers day-to-day operations with a focus on appropriate controls over cash handling and record keeping. It is geared toward employees collecting cash in bookstore operations and at athletic...
This webinar is the first in a series on IT internal controls which was presented live for Arizona school districts, but the IT topics covered apply to all government entities...
This webinar addresses requirements for permanent base adjustment (PBA) proposals and our Office's review process for PBAs. The webinar also includes information about one-time overrides (total time 27 minutes). Use the...
This webinar is designed for school and business office personnel that are already familiar with cash controls, but would like a review of the controls that should be in place...
This webinar is the second in a series on IT internal controls for school districts. It discusses identifying system users, establishing roles and responsibilities, and limiting and monitoring access to...
This webinar is the third in a series on IT internal controls for school districts. It discusses network and security controls, such as firewalls, VPN and remote access, file share...
This webinar addresses requirements for home rule proposals and our Office's review process (total time 28 minutes). Use the link below to view slides and sample documents from the presentation.
The Travel webinar broadcast 10/27/16 has been replaced with short video FAQ’s. Click here to see a list of videos that describe the guidelines for school district travel.
This webinar is the first in a series on IT internal controls for school districts. It discusses what IT controls are and why they are important; what resources are available...
This Webinar walks through proper procedures and documentation for the collection and disbursement of student activities monies with a focus on safeguarding monies and appropriate separation of duties even in...
This webinar is the last in a series on IT internal controls which was presented live for Arizona school districts, but the topics covered apply to all government entities including community colleges...
This Webinar addresses completing ELRs for community college districts and provides detailed information about the requirements for Part II and Part I of the ELR. (Broadcast 10/10/12; total time 48...
This Webinar addresses the basics of property control and discusses each step in the asset management life cycle (broadcast 6/14/11; total time 1 hour and 31 minutes).
This webinar is the last in a series on IT internal controls for school districts and is focused on contingency planning, previously referred to as disaster recovery. Specifically, it discusses...