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State Agencies

Report #: 24-114
Housing, Department of
Performance Audit

Department committed nearly $1.26 billion toward affordable housing issues in the State in fiscal year 2023 but lacks a comprehensive process to evaluate program performance, limiting its ability to ensure...

Report #: 24-113
Housing, Department of
Performance Audit

Department inadequately oversaw affordable housing projects we reviewed, including paying grantees more than $8.1 million without verifying that expenses were adequately supported and for allowable purposes such as delivering needed...

Report #: 24-111
Respiratory Care Examiners, Board of
Performance Audit

The Board issued licenses to qualified applicants we reviewed, but did not timely do so, potentially delaying applicants’ ability to work or impacting the availability of practitioners to treat patients...

Report #: 24-112
Osteopathic Examiners, Board of
Performance Audit

Board timely issued initial and renewal licenses, but did not timely resolve complaints, consistently suspend licenses for violations involving imminent public health, safety, or welfare concerns, or verify some applicants...

Report #: 24-110
Executive Clemency, Board of
Performance Audit

Board took steps to meet some statutory responsibilities we reviewed, including sending victim notifications within statutory time frames, but did not comply with some State conflict-of-interest requirements, increasing the risk...

Report #: 24-109
Insurance and Financial Institutions, Arizona Department of
Performance Audit

Department took steps to meet some statutory responsibilities but did not consistently determine if licensee violations were corrected and lacked documented explanations for some enforcement actions, increasing risk of future...

Report #: 24-108
Behavioral Health Examiners, Board of
Performance Audit

Board complied with statutory and rule requirements related to its objective and purposes for 3 areas we reviewed but did not timely resolve complaints, potentially affecting patient safety, and charged...

Report #: 24-107
Governor’s Regulatory Review Council
Performance Audit

The Council has taken steps to meet some statutory responsibilities we reviewed but did not always notify agencies as required of 5-year review report deadlines, increasing the risk that ineffective...

Report #: 24-106
Child Safety, Department of
Special Audit

Department has implemented some extended foster care success coaching program requirements but needs to improve its program planning and contractor monitoring; and has not consistently developed youth transition plans or...

Report #: 24-105
Corrections, Department of
Special Report

Department released 79 of 80 inmates we reviewed within earned release time frames but did not release 14 inmates to the transition program 3 months early and did not timely...

Report #: 24-103
Arizona School Facilities Oversight Board
Performance Audit

Board has taken steps to meet some statutory responsibilities, but has not ensured the accuracy of student enrollment projections or reviewed consistent information when approving districts’ square footage reduction requests...

Report #: 24-102
Arizona Power Authority, Board of Education, Corporation Commission, Independent Redistricting Commission
Annual Review

As required by law, we conducted a review of per diem compensation and expense reimbursement payments to members of State boards, commissions, councils, and advisory committees (collectively referred to as...

Report #: 24-101
Land Department
Performance Audit

Department’s agricultural leasing process does not fully align with recommended practices; its agricultural leases including with Fondomonte are below market rates and do not require reporting of or payment for...

Economic Security-ALTCS Contract, Department of
Financial Audit, IT Related Findings
Report #: 23-114
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, Economic Security, Department of, Health Services, Department of
Special Report

Although several State agencies, other public entities, and nonprofit organizations have roles and responsibilities related to Arizona’s adult protective services system, the primary agency and program responsible for protecting vulnerable...

Report #: 23-115
Child Safety, Department of
Performance Audit

Department has processes for key responsibilities, such as assessing child safety in response to abuse/neglect reports, but did not consistently provide timely and quality court reports or ensure some license...

Report #: 23-116
Arizona Commerce Authority
Performance Audit

ACA manages various business incentives; spent more than $2.4 million hosting 5 private CEO Forums, reportedly to market Arizona to companies; and is at increased risk of fraud and waste...

Report #: 23-113
Child Safety, Department of
Performance Audit

Department problems related to investigating, taking enforcement action against, and monitoring licensed out-of-home care providers could result in risky or unhealthy environments for children in out-of-home care.

Report #: 23-112
Foster Care Review Board
Performance Audit

FCRB reviewed cases of children in out-of-home care within required time frames and judges reported some information in FCRB’s local board reports provided for child dependency case reviews is useful...

Report #: 23-111
Charter Schools, State Board for
Performance Audit

Board has implemented several processes for overseeing charter holders’ academic, financial, and operational performance, but its financial framework does not always identify charter holders’ financial difficulties, which is necessary to...