Holbrook Unified School District
In fiscal year 2014, Holbrook Unified School District’s student achievement was higher than peer districts’, and its operational efficiencies were mixed, with some costs higher and some lower than peer districts’ averages. The District’s food service program was efficient, and its transportation program was reasonably efficient overall. However, the District did not follow its own bus preventative maintenance schedule and incorrectly reported its miles and riders, which may have impacted its transportation funding. The District had higher plant operations costs because it maintained excess building space and employed more custodians than peer districts. Additionally, the District had higher administrative costs primarily because of its smaller size, but it may be able to lower its administrative and plant operations costs by operating fewer schools. Further, the District needs to strengthen payroll and computer controls. Lastly, the District levied $2.25 million in local property taxes for desegregation purposes, but it spent the majority of these monies for broad educational purposes that do not appear to be directly related to its administrative agreement.